Legal Notice
Contact address
Optimus Family and Wealth Management AG
Bahnhofstrasse 106
8001 Zurich
Authorised representative(s)
Diego Piccoli, CEO
Commercial register entry
Registered company name: Optimus Family and Wealth Management AG
Commercial register no: CHE-358.833.800
VAT number
CHE-358.833.800 MWST
Copyright and all other rights to content, images, photographs or other files on this website are held exclusively by the company Optimus Family and Wealth Management AG or the specifically nominated rights holders ( The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained before any elements may be reproduced.
Design and technical implementation
hellermeier gmbh – Markengestaltung, Webdesign, Digital Marketing
Optimus Family and Wealth Management AG
T +41 (0)44 228 66 71
F +41 (0)44 228 66 76
Contact us
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